Positive Behavior Support
Our school has adopted PBIS to encourage positive decision-making and responsible behavior. The key purposes of PBIS include:
- Development of a continuum of scientifically based behavior and academic interventions and supports
- Use of data to make decisions and solve problems
- Arrangement of the environment to prevent the development and occurrence of problem behavior
- Instruction and encouragement of pro-social skills and behaviors
- Implementation of evidence-based behavioral practices with fidelity and accountability
- Continuous universal screening and monitoring of student performance & progress continuously
The outcomes of PBIS include:
- Less reactive, aversive, dangerous, and exclusionary, and
- More engaging, responsive, preventive, and productive
- Address classroom management and disciplinary issues (e.g., attendance, tardies, antisocial behavior),
- Improve supports for students whose behaviors require more specialized assistance (e.g., emotional and behavioral disorders, mental health), and
- Most importantly, maximize academic engagement and achievement for all students
Students are expected to follow three rules on campus: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.
Behavior Expectations Matrix
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