Principal s Message
Welcome, families, old and new, to Los Molinos Elementary! I assure you that our staff and I will work very hard to maintain Los Molinos’s standard of excellence and provide your children with the best possible educational experience. We want our students to feel safe and secure as we start our new school year.
In assuring our students are successful at Los Molinos, it is critical that students attend school every day, all day. Daily instruction is essential in building students’ understanding and competency on grade level standards. Instruction that is missed, even for a short period of time, is very difficult to make up. Children who are often absent, tardy, or leave early are at a disadvantage.
We look forward to the partnership we will have with our Los Molinos Community and the various opportunities you will have to help with our school through volunteering and other parent involvement activities. Here’s to a new year!
With the highest regards,
Erika Terrazas, Principal