School Budget Title 1 Information
The Local Control Funding Formula is the new system of allocating State funds to districts. It consists of Base, Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funding that allocates resources based on the LEA's pupil demographics.
The goal of LCFF is to reduce state bureaucracy and increase flexibility and accountability at the local level so that those closest to California's students make the decisions and ensure that pupil needs are met.
The funds must be spent to increase or improve services for low income, English Learners and Foster Youth as compared to services for all students. Districts and schools with higher percentages of those populations of students will receive Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds in addition to LCFF Base Grant Funds.
While there is some level of flexibility, LCFF requires each district to prepare an LCAP that describes for the district, and the schools within the district, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals. The State requires these goals and actions are developed in each of the 8 State Priority Areas: Student Achievement, Parent Involvement, Other Student Outcomes, Implementation of Common Core, Student Engagement, Course Access, School Climate, and Basic Services.
The district and every school are required to meet the goals set out in the priority areas. Each site will develop their own School Site Plan that is fully aligned to the district LCAP. The SSC/SDM at each school will set specific goals to increase or improve services to the school's pupils, allocating and approving the expenditure of the Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds accordingly.
MEANINGFUL engagement of all staff and parent groups is critical to the LCAP and Budget development process at both district and site levels.
8 State Priorities
Parent Input
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